Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Uhhh... holy shit!

Dogs got me up early, barking - no reason, just barking. As I staggered out of the bedroom into the living room and opened the door to let them out the only thing on my mind was COFFEE! Bleary eyed into the kitchen, ground beans, rinsed the pot, put water in the Cuisinart, grabbed a banana (split 5 ways with the dogs), and stumbled back to the living room to wait for the coffee to beep. FINALLY, I get my coffee all fixed up and make my way back to the sofa; by now I'm awake enough to be more observant... OMG, my living room! WTF has happened? Boxes everywhere! When did things get this out of control? Well, duh - you ass! Deliveries almost daily, large or small boxes, doesn't matter, they do pile up you jerk! Five pounds of fleece arrived yesterday - 2 pounds of dyed bamboo the day before. Batts still on the way from Loop! in addition to 2 pounds of black alpaca fleece, over a pound of natural colored bamboo and other blending fibers from California, and other stuff that I've simply forgotten about, I'm sure!

It's official. I'm F'n done! No more buying until after the carder is complete and I clear out at least half of this stuff! I have to get these fleeces washed and dyed. I have a shit-load of roving to dye, too much stuff to spin. Done done done done done! I simply cannot believe what I've accumulated over the past month.

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